Lacey Cameron King: Born 2356 Feb 16 to Ransom and Dionne' King
Ransom Dies 2360
Dionne and Brien King II wed 2360
Brian Doyle King born 2362 December 12 to Dionne and Brien II
2369 At 13 Lacey confronts everyone about his father's death (Ransom)
2370 Rare virus killing Ceriton's and some humans. Lacey is immune, He is a carrier of the virus and is infecting most everyone with whom he comes in contact. He has a chance to win this war with the Ceriton. His family became ill , all but him. Lacey's afraid that he will be found out and so he leaves home for the safety of the underground movement. Strangers invade his home, tape up and hold at gunpoint all of his family. They search the house . Then the Ceritons search. Patsy calls Rhett, who kills some of the Ceritons. Dionne lets the family know what is happening after all are better. Belize and Mike bring the family together and while they try to comfort each other . Taylor falls from tree. She is dead. Brian and Skyler take off in her fathers car to attempt to find Lacey. Belize and Mike tell the doctor about Taylor's Pregnancy. Brien and Sheriden go to hospital with doctor and Taylor's body. They are hoping the baby will make it and be alright. Grace and Arizona want to have the police looking for Skyler and Brian. Faulkner thinks they should hire a private detective (they want to find Lacey).
2371 Six months later he returns home from his freedom fight
2372 June Lacey is 16(his where-abouts unknown)--Brien II blows up at Sheri blaming her for everything wrong in his life. Brian Doyle overhears all, and Dionne comes home during the verbal flow between Brien and Sheri.
2376 Lacey is 20, and returns home for two weeks with his friend David. He is still not quite over Skyler, and becomes sullen and remote for most of the time after seeing her. Lacey looks just like Ransom, his father.
2378 The summer was ahead of them and they were going to enjoy it. Brian had a graduation party at an undisclosed spot. Brother Lacey showed up-his gift to Brian was a very special watch- Lacey seemed to take up the space and outshone the rest. Stephanie Cash was drawn to him more than the rest. She wanted Lacey-like yesterday -as the saying goes. At the other extreme was Rowena, he frightened her. In the end Stephanie left with Latham Cash- he owed her big time and she would never let him forget it! Stephanie was the only one who went nowhere that summer. She hung out with her college friends , went to their homes , parties, etc. but, basically she stayed home. Victoria and Hailey headed for Montana and her god father, Colin Vincent. Anita Bradford and Latham Cash went to visit the colleges he was thinking about going to. Anita was just along for the ride. Hell it was better than just staying home.
2388 Lacey is 32 and marries Stephanie Alexandra Cash, they were married amid the biggest or one of the biggest fracases the Cash family had ever endured. Fred Cash Stephanie's dad suffered a heart attack and then a stroke. His daughter was not allowed to see him for fear he might suffer more. Trevor refused to see her and withdrew his support for as long as she was involved with that man. Stephanie found herself stripped of any inheritance. Some of the Cash Clan supported her right to marry whom she wished and were at the wedding. Stephanie's friends stood by her through the ordeal , even Rowena. Though it took all the courage she could muster, she stood beside Lacey. That one act meant the world to Steph. Colin also came to lend his support. After all the girls were his too in a way. The King family stood as always, solidly behind their own, and Stephanie was now one of their own.
2389 Ransom King born to Stephanie and Lacey King
2356 October 22 Alisa Mead born to Mel and Sheri
2356 October 9 Anisette born to Faulkner and Tatum
2354 August 24 Bart Mead born to Sheri and Mel
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