Sunday, March 28, 2004

Eagle : I didn't know what to do now. I needed to talk this over with Mari but how? If I didn't tell her the whole thing it would feel like a lie. Okay, I was a rotten father and I didn't know what I was doing . I would have loved to go to school -I wouldn't have to do that. I had other children who could and would tell me who said what. It would give me a deep pleasure to discuss this with them. I asked Hunter and got my answers . He had confessed to finding ways to get even with them, frontal attack was not one of them . It seemed that they were a few years older than him. He wanted to know what his punishment would be. Keeping your room clean ! I told him but, I think you should have some reward for trying in your own way to protect your sister, so I am going to give you 5 credits. Keep them safe Hunter!
Mari: Protect his sister? Hunter had left with his credits, and I was going to find out what was going on. What's going on?
Eagle: Mari? Come in were you looking for me?
Mari: I was actually supposed to be seeking River and Chablis, but since I already know where they are, can you tell me what Hunter is trying to protect his sister from?
Eagle: Bullies . The door bell rang just then and a thunder of feet could be heard rushing to answer , then laughter. I looked at Mari questioningly and she shrugged. We can talk later Mari when we're alone. Is Po' coming for the children or we taking them there? I know sooner got the words out of my mouth when the phone rang. It was Po' and I handed it over to Mari, then headed for the door. Aurora? Hello Eagle, can we talk ? The kids scattered and we went into the breakfast-room. Coffee-Juice? Tomato juice if you have it. She didn't wait for the juice before she began. I can't find mom , have you seen her? Not really, just in passing . She looked upset and that's it. Aurora wanted to know where I'd seen her . I stopped and asked what was going on. She told me that she wanted to have a memorial service for her father and wanted Ariana to have some input. She needs closure but won't face it . I am at my wit's end. She seems to be running away from everyone, at least it seems so to me. And I'm truly worried for her. So tell me Eagle, where did you see her? At Kari's I told her but , she ran away. We'll be having the service the second week in July Eagle and we would like you and Mari to be there. I 'm not sure if you want the children to come or not? That's up to you. We will be announcing it in the paper but if you could spread the news that would be helpful. I really have to go, please tell Marijuana I said hello. Thanks Eagle good bye. She kissed my cheek and was gone. The tomato juice sat on the table where I had set it. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, and drank the juice. Mari, I called, what is happening with Po'? I hope she's just going to be late, Mari? My voice had returned to it's normal level .

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