Saturday, March 13, 2004

B.J : My sister says I need an agent because I'm getting too big not to have one. My parents want me to find a nice girl and settle down. The station would like me to do a win a date -with me -segment. I have also been getting offers from other stations - out of state ones. Do you think my sister is right, about the agent, that is? Be honest will you and no jokes. I've laid out my life in front of you Mer. Try to be objective.
Mer: BJ, the difference between having one and not having one is that an agent has more bargaining power, to get you what you want. It helps if you have a career plan first though, it would help them filter through offers, and you wouldn't have to listen to offers that won't help you reach your goals. So, I suppose you should probably get an agent.

BJ: But I don't know what I want to do with the career. Never thought of it as one. Crap happens I guess.
Mer: I had thought he at least knew where he wanted his work to go! Is there something else you want to do, something not radio?

BJ: Gamble. Basic, simple type of guy. Gambling and Radio are my loves.
Oh, and women of course !
Mer: It sounds as though you need a spiritual journey. Grandma and Grandpa used to do it all the time. I pulled a worn journal off a bookshelf and placed it in front of BJ, what do you say?

BJ: I don't know Mercedes, how spiritual is this journey I asked holding the closed journal in my hands . I'm not the most spiritual of people and you have just spooked me.
Mer: I've never done it, can't be too spiritual though, sounds like it's more fun than anything else honestly, and besides I thought you said you'd try almost anything once.
BJ: You sure your up to it? I 'm glad you were listening to the almost anything part of that . When would you like to do this - I 'll check my calendar. No I am not kidding about that.
Mercedes: You check your calendar, and let me know. I have a pretty open schedule right now.

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