Sunday, March 14, 2004

Mercedes: The weekend in Tahiti was just what we needed, and the rest of the training well I was ready for it. I see it all as a blur, and then the day came when we would climb, I knew I was physically ready for it now, but I saw the mountain in front of me, and the familiar urge to go home came back. BJ coaxed me out of the car, and we started up the it was more cliff than mountain! As we climbed, I wondered why I had been so scared in the first place. I finally understood the words in that old journal. When we got to the top, all I could say was beautiful!
BJ: It was worth every minute I had spent training! Everything we had done to get here and at the top It was glorious! I took her hand and held it tight. Then we took out our food and ate.
Mer: I was glad I had given BJ the idea to do this, and even more glad that he had convinced me to go through with it. Everything felt better now that we had accomplished this together. We ate, and took in the view, and then it was time for the other part of the journey.

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