Sunday, March 21, 2004

Ariana: I found some basics. I didn't want to buy too much but, what I bought was very good quality. I tried on much more than I bought . It seemed all to soon that we were headed in different directions to our separate homes. I planned to take a bath first thing and I did. Ariana, are you planning on leaving me? The voice was strong and sounded youthful. I hadn't heard anyone knock or enter. The alarm system had not gone off. I wasn't anywhere near an object I could use to protect myself with. Then I saw him going through the clothes I had left lying on the bed. He picked up the sissors that I had left there and was removing the tags. Shall I put them away for you love . I was scared when I spoke, not much above a whisper, Chandler ? The man said," yes love" and then" these are a bit um, did you try these on before you bought them?" " May I join you?" This must be someone's idea of a sick joke I thought. He was walking towards me now although I still couldn't see his face and he was shedding his clothes . Chandler ! NO! I stood and grabbed a towel form the rod. Just then he walked into the light. I saw the man he used to be. I forgot the towel I had been holding so tightly about me and slapped him hard across his new face. It was like looking at Eagle and seeing Breeze or Denzel Jr and seeing Denzel .
"What have you done!" I asked him......"What have you done? " There was nowhere to go, we didn't have any doors to lock, just the ones to the outside. I had nowhere to hide. "What's wrong with you ?" he asked me . He was standing in front of me shirtless, his jeans hanging on his hips . I thought of the jeans ads I'd seen. My lord, he could have been one. Then he looked at me, really looked at me and I tried to calm my voice . " There is nothing wrong with me as you can plainly see." " Chandler, what have you done and why?" Chandler's voice was husky when he asked, can we talk later Ariana. We haven't had sex in more than a year and I want you now. No! I told him we can't. I want to know what's happened and why? He wasn't listening to me . He was telling me how beautiful I was. I've been working out with Kari and Mercedes I told him. You haven't ... He left the rest unspoken and I said no, I haven't nor am I having an affair, I added . I know he whispered . Does Aruara know about this -I gestured with my hands. No was his reply. I was attracted and appalled at the same time. Who would not want to be with him? I started putting clothes on, taking them from the drawers he had just put them into . The dark brown leather pants and jacket,white shirt,socks and I shoved my feet into boots or something. I grabbed my bag and told him I'd call as I rushed out the door.

I didn't stop when he called from the doorway I just kept walking. I didn't know where to go. I looked back and he still stood in the doorway, watching me . I yelled back to him that I needed time, Please just give me some time! The only two places I could think to go would be Mercedes -she must know how weird it would feel to be with a man so young. Kari's she could understand how it would feel to see the dead man walking and talking to you.
I truly did not think they could understand how it felt to have that man actually be your husband! I thought of Clay and then of Levi, I couldn't remember if he looked like his father or not. I would go to Mer's maybe Kari would be staying the night. I stopped and took the time to straighten my clothes and pull out the small transporter I kept for emergencies when I worked. I had transported to just outside Mer's door. I ran my brush quickly through my hair, I didn't want to scare her, then knocked.

Mer: Ariana? What happened? She was telling me about Chandler, he was back, only there was a problem. He had traded in for a younger body. He did what? Why? You can stay here as long as you need. Check it out, we'll even give you your own room; I moved some walls around, pushed some buttons, and voila, she had a private space to sleep in or whatever.
Ariana: I had a very restless night and tried not to wake Mer. I couldn't go home so I went out and bought more clothes and for the time we worked out I tried to put my husband out of my mind. When we were done and sitting with our yogurt etc. I just came right out with it . How do I know that it's even him. I don't intend to give myself to a memory? He told me that he knew I wasn't having an affair. That means someone has been watching me, doesn't it. He might be an android with all of ...Chandlers memories, He could be ceriton or some fountain of youth thing. He doesn't look any older than 30 at the most. His doctors won't talk to me. I can't be alone with him girls , I just can't. I feel like I'm in a Science Fiction movie!
Mercedes: I'm calling Rhett, it's understandable that he wouldn't want to get involved with the medical crap, considering that stuff like that goes on all the time, but if it isn't Chandler, he'll know. I called Rhett, and explained that Chandler had returned surely enough, but he certainly didn't look like Chandler should look, nor did he act like Chandler, and if he could please help us out, I'd be in the studio come the end of the week. He was reluctant, but since it was no longer a matter of what's wrong with my sick husband, and more a matter of is he who he is supposed to be, he agreed.

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