Tuesday, March 09, 2004

2207 May 10 Chantel and James Delfine, died when James fell asleep at the wheel of their Mercedes.

2208 August 9 Jake goes to bed one Saturday night and never wakes up. Current girl friend was with him.

2209 January 1
David and Derrick are missing from Jamaican hotel

2209 January 3
Latoya and Chad die in house fire.

2209 June 23 Paul dies , knifed in parking lot - burglary attempt.

2209 December 29 Aaron Winters dies of virus complications.

2206 Tyler moves Penny out of his house

2207 April Dominic has a friend living with him, Terry Landis

2207 February 22 Bryant (changed it from Brien to Bryant) dies while checking out base camp for cattle drive/ caught in winter storm-freezes.

2206 September Simon and wife die of old age.

2206 July 4 Chelsea and Damon - and June and Damien - were killed by drunk driver.

2211 June 3
Skye and Brock Carver not wed Skye backed out just as she was to walk down the aisle.

2234 December 11 Detroit Chandler wed Cheyenne Conway

2245 April 17
Claudia Mark born

2246 July 7 Kenyon (Steel) born:

2264 Killer appears Claudia Mark found dead. Raped , cut-up and hanging from a hook at old meat packing plant. Killed ( 2 more also)
victim 2. Flitted at aquairum 3. Victim compacted car and all.

2268 Killer back 3 more killings

2269 Kenyon - Engaged to Tony Mt. Trip (Tony bartender)
Trip to Mexico Grandfather ill wants Kenyon to have wedding in Mexico. Plot to kill Jesus uncovered --guilty put to death. (Kenyon dropped Tony)

2269 Jesus weds Stella

2270 January Killer back -dissects victim - Storm and Logan give up on Willow, start to date twins.

2370 December 30 Laurel Ashley King born :

2276 February 3 Another killing first one of the year. Slit and left hanging and dipped in oil-(used engine oil)

2276 February 10
This one also slit open and this one filled with dead fish and hung from hook.

2276 February 20 Another girl slit up the front and left in street. (Vincent)

2276 March 1- Justice look alike killed and hung on a cross.

2276 December Willow pregnant again. Rain worried about planned concerts and autograph signing. Baby due in September.

2315 November 17 -Fabian and other controversial guests were being interviewed live on T V when without warring the screen went blank. When authorities arrived,the only thing alive was the camera. The others were killed execution style. No one has come forward to take credit for these killings.

Jimmy Fargo - Mike - Katie -Pari -Rose -Laura -Ellen Smith
Annette 1 boy -- Willow girl -- Thunder 1 boy

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