Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Ransom: The call came and I answered the same way as before. Yes sir, thank you sir. I hung up. I had been accepted and soon I would be flying !
I got into my car and went and signed the papers they took care of everything right then. I wanted to tell someone but, I didn't want to surprise mom and dad by telling them infront of the whole clan-almost . So I went to Gram's , and told them.
Dionne: Russ was right, Ransom must have just been waiting for a call and he was here now. When he told me he was going to be flying, just like his grand-father; I collapsed, I couldn't breathe, it was almost like living the whole thing all over again. I thought maybe I was having a heart attack.
Russ: I got the smelling salts and broke the caplet under her nose and took her pulse. I stuck a tablet under her tongue. Ransom was clearly scared to death he looked like he might be my next patient. Ransom, get some water please and I nodded toward the bar. He went and I hoped Dionne' would be alright -I prayed.
Dionne: When I woke, I was on the sofa. Russ and Ransom were there, looking quite concerned. I remembered what had happened. Ransom, was going to get himself killed willingly, just like his grandfather. Please don't do this Ransom, please- fly planes or something safe?
Ransom : When I saw that she was alright I felt the color coming back to my face. Gram, please listen, I have lived my 18 yrs. doing the right thing the safe thing . What other people wanted me to do. I didn't whine at my grams, just stated it as fact. Now, I am going to do this. Things are so much safer than before . Some , thanks to Aiden. I need to do this for me. I looked at both of them . Russ nodded , I was pretty sure that he would now I waited for grams to say something.
Dionne: I could be thankful that he hadn't rushed into it, but I wasn't reassured. Of course it was easier for Russell to be understanding, but I had seen how these things ended up. Lacey had seen even more, and the proof of all of it was in a safety deposit box, which I had ended up doing since Lacey had wanted nothing more to do with any of it. I pulled the key to that box out of my purse, and lifted my head again. I managed to speak slowly and clearly to Ransom. I think you should have this then, If ever you need it, your life is in danger- and only then, this key will unlock a safety deposit box with all the answers you may need. You mustn't touch it until that time, and I hope you never need to. I thought of Lacey, What did your Father say when you told him?
Ransom: I haven't told them yet . I will when they get home though. I have already signed the papers and sworn my aligence there is no backing out. He won't be able to do anything. I am of age, if not 21, but if by some strange twist they manage to stop it, I will do it later.
Dionne: Ransom, I'm not going to stand in your way. But tell me, how is your personal life, are you seeing someone?

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