Thursday, April 08, 2004

Mercedes: I had another realization experience, the dreams again. I should have followed my first instinct, and ended things on the mountain like I had planned. I called up my nephew to find out exactly when that party for Kari was going to be. He didn't know, and told me he'd check with Eagle, and Kari would let me know. I called Kari, maybe she knew already. Kari told me she'd call me back as soon as she got in touch with Eagle.
Kari: Eagle, I've been waiting nearly all summer, when is this party?
Eagle : I'm so sorry didn't Denz get in touch with you ? It's next weekend, with or without some people. Ell should be over sometime today to check things out and get things going.
Kari: Ok, good thing I called then. I called Mer back and told her, and then Ariana.
Ariana: Kari do you have any more to do in the house? Have we gotten it all done and lastly THIS saturday did you say?
Kari: Yes, THIS saturday. I've got everything to a reasonable amount now, that's all under control.
Ariana: I suppose I'll have to take care of Chandler's things soon. Kari you wouldn't mind awfully if I didn't come would you ? I'm not sure I could face a flesh and blood man yet.
Kari: What kind of party would it be if you weren't there? Mercedes is even coming!
Ariana: I tried to put some backbone into my voice. Alright Kari , I'll give it a try. Mer won't be bringing BJ will she? That wouldn't be fair. If she did I would have to go home for Romeo!
Kari: No she isn't bringing him, she's looking to replace him. She did that whole mountain thing again, and she's having dreams about BJ and Keely.
Ariana: Keely and BJ ? Is she - I guess it doesn't matter. Maybe it is easier to handle if you don't know who he's been with. Is she sure?
Kari: She said she was taking him up there to end things, and couldn't go through with it, and now she's dreaming about him and Keely, I suppose it doesn't matter if it's Keely or someone else, she finally realizing that he won't ever commit!
Ariana: So she is finally going to believe him? I don't know Kari maybe it's something else. No I don't know what. Well whatever, we always told her .. I just left it . Kari, I was married to Chandler for 60 years-I took a deep breath and let it out. We won't be the only women there will we?
Kari: I haven't the foggiest idea Ariana. The boys haven't told me a thing, I had to call Eagle just to find out when I was having the darn thing!
Ariana: I supose Ell will be putting things together for them, right. Eagle has a tour coming up soon, or so I heard.
Kari: From the sound of it yes. I wonder when She and Rudy are actually going to get married? Oh well, yea, Ell will be getting things in motion. Don't kow for sure how I should be dressed, so I'm thinking that we could just wait in the pool for people to start showing up. That way, well, I'll know what kind of party I'm supposed to be dressed for!
Ariana: Why is it that we know so much about what is happening with others and not a single thing about ourselves? The whole thing was funny and i just laughed. I needed it.
Kari: I don't know, her laugh was contagious, and we spent a few minutes just laughing on the phone.
Ariana: Whew! Well then, I giggled , I'll bring my suit and an assortment of other things . I love you girl and I will see you Sat. Was there anything else? Did I call you or did you call me I laughed I forgot.
Kari: I think I called you, good, get here early so we don't get surprised!
Ariana: You got it and I'll see you then-bye bye.

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