Saturday, April 24, 2004

BJ: We ate at one of the old places near the school. Then headed home. We hadn't seen anyone we knew but, had a good time anyway. The next day , Monday, Keely found out that we would have to rearrange our dance schedule. I told her it wasn't a problem we could always figure something out. By the beginning of September our classes were over and Caroline had been back for a week or so. Now I had to remember to lock my door. The condo was finished soon after Caroline started school and they came back to Summerset to see it with me. I was very pleased with how everything had come together. The only thing missing were my personal things-clothes etc. Keely and Caroline went to visit family for the rest of the time they were here. I stayed at the condo and made a list of things I would need and began to make the place my own. I took out the pictures I had intended to hang or set on the floating shelves. I sorted through them and as often happens when people start sorting through photos I got caught up in them. I finally set the ones of Mercedes and I aside I would do something with them later. The chosen ones finally found themselves in frames -on the wall or shelf. There was one from Christmas that I would enlarge. That taken care of, I headed for the market. I would only buy enough for a few days and each time after that I would add to what I would need. It sounded like a good plan to me. I gave Keely another years rent for my room. I was comfortable there and now it felt like going home. I was given a house warming party by my friends, at my condo. We had a good time and I received some nice gifts too. My life went on pretty much as it always had, only now that Mercedes wasn't in it , I started to actually date again. In the time I had been with her I had only had two very short affairs. A few people asked if Mercedes and I had divorced. I was surprised at the number of people I would meet in the next year who believed that.

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