Saturday, April 03, 2004

BJ: I decided we would use the station transport back to Mer's. Her doctor wouldn't have wanted her to have come here, I was sure of that . She was worn out so I carried her . When we got to the apartment I put her on the bed. That is when I heard a voice I thought was familar say I thought so! He sounded resigned to something he hadn't planned on. Who do you think...I was saying as I turned around. I was now face to neck with Russ Chandler! My face - his neck.
Mer: I had only been gone for 5 minutes, and Russ had to show up during that time? How was I going to explain this?! I hadn't even explained that BJ had been staying with me!
Russ: One hour was the total time I was gone. Now the loft was empty and that meant she had taken PJ with her, where ever that was. I wondered if she would ever pay attention to what I told her ? I was going to be here whether she liked it or not for the next two weeks. I mixed the recipe so that it would be ready when she came back and took a seat near her bed . Maybe she would be able to make it this far! When she did arrive she wasn't alone. I stood as he put her down on the bed and asked where the hell have you been. He turned and I saw that it was BJ. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to see him but I was,so it seemed, was he. BJ was telling me that Dionne' and I needn't worry about Mercedes he was going to take care of her. I'm sure he meant it but he really had no idea what he was talking about. Even if she had told him almost everything taking care of Mercedes was a twentyfour hour a day job! I let him put her to bed while I waited in the other room. When I went back in I had her drink the mixture I handed her. We'll talk later I told her and wiped the hair off her face and went to join BJ in the other room.
Mer: Russ, I-- it won't happen again. I was tired from everything, and the mixture put me to sleep, again.

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