Friday, April 09, 2004

Ell: I met with Kari and asked if she would be more comfortable with casual or if she wanted to go the whole nine yards? People tend to behave better when they are all dressed up but they aren't as relaxed. Which would you like I asked. I've been told that cost doesn't enter into it so it is totally up to you.
Kari: I think casual will work alright, the nicer side of casual that is.
Ell: What about a theme, I don't want you to be stuck with tons of men milling around you checking you out like they would a horse or vise versa at least not so obviously so. It would freak me out. Rodeo, or luau. I think that beach party would be too informal for you. Barbecue?
Kari: BBQ is fine, but you really should just hire him a personal assistant, and let them do this stuff. Nevermind, that gives me an idea for his birthday/Christmas. Whatever you decide is fine, I'll make sure that everything is stocked up.
Ell:Thanks Kari but that won't be necessary, I can handle the stocking-up and ordering. If you could show me around so I can get an idea of where to set things up that would be great. As for Eagle, its a labor of love and what would I do with all that spare time?
Kari: I'm sure Rudy could think of something, and planning the wedding might be a good idea. Follow me, I'll show you where everything is.
Ell: I blushed, that sounds like something my mother might have said I replied as I followed her outside. Kari and I sat on the porch when we were done and I sketched out for her what I thought we would do and where things would go. What do you think ? Any changes? Suggestions?
Kari: No, it's all fine. This is all just a lot of fuss for fuss sake, if you ask me. A party that is too well planned will be no fun at all. I have enough staff to cover things, they're used to large BBQ's. I hooked up the "shopping list" and got an inventory of all the dishes, silverware and food that I had, and then I gave it to Ell. There's no reason to make things harder than they need to be.
Ell: If you would rather have your staff do it, that's fine, really but I will see to it that they get paid what it would cost to have someone else do it, or rather I will give you the money and you can see to it. You would know best who should get what. Kari, there isn't much fuss in the plans, not really. Music is the next item, any ideas. I don't know how many musical people are coming but as a rule they don't like to perform where they are being entertained unless the situation is just right, they can't be counted on.
Kari: I have a music collection that rivals the best of music collections, as I've recently discovered. Look at this- I took Ell inside to the den and showed her the disc collection, and then the automatic DJ system, which was really just a computer with a huge memory, and the ability to hold up to 100 discs for playback. I've got music covered.
Ell: This is a beautiful system, he must have caught a lot of friends and family on these to. I felt a catch in my throat and cleared it. These will be more than suficiant I told her . We talked of tables,chairs serving etc. down to the silverware and dishes which we would use. No paper or plastic! I stood up, do you need me for anything, I asked her?
Kari: Only the bridal shower, which will be planned after this shinannigan is over with. Your bridal shower, not mine.
Ell: My what? No I don't need a bridal shower, I told her . There isn't anyone to invite and this isn't my first marriage, really thanks but you shouldn't bother. I picked up my things and made a hasty retreat to my car saying if you need any help just call other wise I think you have it covered. I shut the door and left.

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