Monday, February 02, 2004

The Beginning One year later James took the child to meet the Reynolds, Val and Mike. Chelsea was then three years old.
James then moved his family to West Virginia and was soon followed by Georgie's parents.
After suffering a mild heart attack James asked Rachel to move in with them to watch over Chelsea. Paul moved to Pennsylvania, not extremely far from the others. Their other friends stayed where they had settled years before. Val and Mike's children finished school in Paris and decided to stay there.
Chelsea traveled often with her dad but,managed to keep a small group of friends as her mother had. One of her best friends' brother, John, went away to boarding school, his choice. Then his sister AnnMarie moved to another town. Later John, although living in the same place as AnnMarie, started going to Willowbrook High School with Chelsea and friends. Chelsea's close friends were AnnMarie,Brien,Nick and Katlyn. As they got older the group grew to include AnnMarie's brother Jon, Adam and Pam. Not so close but still part of the group were Sharon,Frank,Josh and Angel.
Now Chelsea is studying to become a veterinarian, AnnMarie; English, Pam a Scientist, and Brien a lawyer. Katlyn and Jon; Psychiatrists, Nick a job on the Stock market and Josh is waiting for a chance to get into pro football. Sharon and Adam are unsure and Frank and Angel still have one more year of school left.

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