2428 middle of May
Rowena: Her thoughts turned to the man, Arimonti' DeLuciano was while alive. Rowena yearned for that man. She found it so hard to fall in love with any man and just when she had begun to let go of Ari, here he was asking her to share eternity with him. Vexed with herself, she shook the idea away. Things would not be as before,how could they?
She heard his voice calling to her and prepared to go. It was two months since he had first appeared to her. During that time she had taken the opportunity to update and revise all plans and records. Her affairs in order, letters written and courage collected, she went to join her husband.
She found him in his coffin and like the true actress she was she played the part and after driving the stake through his heart, she leapt onto the newly sharpened opposite side of the same stake. Her aim was exact for she dare not take any chance of she, herself, being a vampire. The ceritans were all healthy with very little damage done to them. If they hadn't been she would have had to use plan B and expose all of them to sunlight. I love you was all she could say to Ari , as her weight buried the stake deeper still into his body.
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