Friday, March 05, 2004

Dimitri has returned to me but he is sick at heart. I feel his shame, know -his failure ,smell his fear. I understand his need to be alone and have offered him myself if he should find the want of me. His smile gives me comfort as does the squeeze he visits upon my hand as I offer it.
My Dimitri is a gentle loving cat. He has been so since the first time I laid eyes upon him-A Regal Lion a true ruler for the Pride.
His parents wanted a mate for him. He must choose from all single Ceriton females. We were ordered here. Our human father was left behind. My twin and I were included in the hunt. When at last there were a small group of us we were allowed to spend time alone with Dimitri. Each time the cut came I was surprised to find myself still there. We made a deal, who ever it was, the unchosen one would get the chance to be with Dimitri first. He agreed to this. As you can guess or maybe you cannot, I was NOT the chosen one. Dimitri and I kissed and his parents ruled that we were therefore mated. I tried to get out of it but failed. My friend said
that she did not, truly want to be his mate.

Dimitri :
I am so tired of the second guessing and simple answers my people toss at me.
Just have them killed! They say. Simple enough it's true but, what if the subject of my wrath were them? I'm sure the words Kill me would not jump from their lips.
I cannot always send others to take care of problems. that would show weakness.

The Doctor is loyal to us and would not have me compromised. At this moment in time I believe he could have served me better had he allowed me to die within the flames. Now he will die. I have laid the problem at his feet and doubt that he will be successful in his hunt for our missing people.
Margret has read my mood and left me to myself until such time as I have need of her. She knows what I have tried to do and has not judged me. I am weary of always being strong yet, I cannot show it and Margret will be my shield.

The Doctor:
I carried him from the house. Flames slapping at us and at times blocking our way. The heat was so intense I feared it would melt the features from my face.
Dimitri had gone himself to fine the three women. This had been the second house he had searched and failed to find them in. Dimitri would have let himself parrish in that horrible fire but, I could not!
I berated him for now sending someone else to the rescue. Someone who could be blamed if they failed to find and save the women. Someone who could be put to death for their failure. Certainly ,there should be no way Dimitri should put himself in jeopardy-not ever!
I was rewarded for my tongue lashing . For I had once again over stepped my bounds. Dimitri settled the task upon me and I truly felt the weight of it. I had no doubt that he would have me executed if I did not succeed. He might not want to but, he would. Just because I was the Doctor didn't give me any special immunity. This was the lesson he was teaching me. After all these years I could be replaced, like everyone else, including Margret.
I saved him and shamed him and he was taking my advice. For my folly I would pay. I would never tell another soul what I had done. This is how I felt Dimitri saw things. If I were him I would do the same.

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