Saturday, March 13, 2004

Mer: It was time to say good-bye to BJ, I didn't want to let go of him. Who knew what would happen while I was gone! I gave him a kiss, took a deep breath and went to work. When I got back, it was 3 months later, and I hoped that BJ hadn't changed his mind about things once again. I'd be having the home warming soon, but maybe he'd like to see it first. I sent him a note 'BJ, I'm hoping that you haven't gone and forgotten me, I'll be in the park if you want to meet me when you get out of work. I kissed it, signed it and sent it on it's way.
BJ: When I got Mercedes note, I couldn't believe she had been gone for three months already. The proof was at the end of the note, her kiss . I lifted it to see if it still smelled to see which lipstick she was wearing . The park, yes I would be there.

Mer: I brought a blanket, some coffee, donuts and my notebook. Put the blanket down, sat on it and waited to see if he would come. There he was, a smile came upon me. Miss me?

BJ: I saw as I walked toward the park that she had a picnic of sorts . Blanket on the grass and all. She was smiling at me as I got closer. I sat down next to her, miss you, I asked, were you gone? I picked up her hand and kissed it. I was still holding it when I asked what she had planned . She always had something planned.
Mer: Breakfast, well, sort of I laughed as I gestured to the coffee and donuts. Maybe you'll come see the loft with me? I haven't been there yet.

BJ: Your telling me you really haven't seen your creation yet? How could you resist I asked helping myself to coffee and passing on the donut. Let's go ! I'd like to see it.
Mer: I really haven't seen it yet, sort of scared. We went, I unlocked the door, and we walked inside. I couldn't believe it! It was beautiful. Everything was exactly as I had imagined it, exactly where I had told them to put it. I led BJ around the place, holy cow BJ, it's absolutely perfect! The kitchen was the last stop, and I needed to sit down. I sat on a barstool, and turned round, checking everything out from where I sat. Is this really mine?
BJ: Not just yours, I said to her, it is you. Don't you recognize yourself?
Mer: Yeah, I do. I kissed him, shall we try out the kitchen, or the shower first?
BJ: Well I did just finish work and you know where I usually go first. I held her in my arms and asked, should we enitiate it?
Mer: Yes! The shower, and the day that followed it were wonderful. I finally felt like myself again, everything I wanted was right here. While we ate breakfast I asked him what he had been up to while I was gone. He told me about the camping trips, he had been a busy guy the past three months. Have you decided on furniture for the condo yet?
BJ: you had to ask, did you? I in my Victorian stage at the moment, thank you very much. It all seems a bit fussy for my taste . I'm going ultra modern next. Even if it is quite a stretch from one to the other.
Mer: Well, it is a stretch, but you'll figure it out. I don't suppose you've been using your kitchen appliances--not including the refridgerator, that is.
BJ: No I haven't , but I plan on learning the inner workings of them the next time you go out of town, maybe sooner.

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