Friday, March 05, 2004

2404 December Mer: I woke to the smell of food, strange I thought; I didn't order anything. I stretched out, rolled over,sat up- and saw BJ. Damn I missed him. Wait a minute, what was he doing here? I looked around the room, and realized that I was the one in the wrong room. Oh well, no reason to be embarrassed now. Uhh, good morning?

BJ: I looked at her face and asked, is it?
Mer: Aside from not knowing exactly how I ended up in your room rather than my own, I'd say it was. I could feel my troublemaker old self coming back to me, and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not.

BJ: Are you hungry? I'll share. Excuse me while get a robe, I wasn't expecting company. I made a gesture towards my naked body.
Mer: Thank you, BJ. I hadn't expected this. We'd have to see where this went. I thought about grabbing my own robe, and realized once again that it wasn't here.

BJ: I came back into the room. What did you do with your clother, I asked and what were you wearing when you ah,got here? I went to a drawer and pulled out a shirt button up not pull over and tossed it to her. One other question, why did you run away last night?

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